Honda Civic
$10975 * Price negotiable
Model, Body type:
Civic , Sedan
Fabrication / Mileage
Used, 2007 / 65662 Miles
Transmision / Doors
AUTO / 0
BLACK, Interior : GRAY
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Advertised prices are for cash purchases. Tax/Tag/Fees in addition to advertised price. Wheelin ''N'' Dealin sells quality vehicles at bargain prices. We''re so confident in our cars that we provide a 30-Day/1,000 Mile Engine/Transmission/Air Conditioning Warranty on all cars with a vehicle price over $6000!Good Credit/Bad Credit/No Credit: Financing is available!Located just north of the Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, come visit our family-owned business today and drive away with a dependable and affordable car. **Referral program: Buy our car, refer friends and family, and receive $75 cash for every car they purchase from us!**AV93081
Automatic Transmission, Power Windows, Power Locks, AM/FM CD Player