Vehicle information
PERFECT CARFAX REPORT Serviced and safety checked This vehicle has no defects. There are no dings on this vehicle. This vehicle is in good running condition. You wont find any electrical problems with this vehicle. Has an extra clean exterior. This vehicle appears to have never been smoked in. Like new interior. All available records show the odometer reading on this vehicle to be accurate. The transmission in this vehicle still shifts smoothly. This vehicle has no prior collision damage. There is approximately 75% of the tire tread remaining.
4 Door, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Air Conditioning, Bucket Seats, Center Console, Cruise Control, Leather Seats, Power Door Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rear Defrost, Tilt Steering, Alarm, AM/FM Radio, CD Changer, Keyless Entry, Steering Wheel Controls, Antilock Brakes, Driver Air Bag, Passenger Air Bag