Vehicle information
There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. There are no defects present on this vehicle. There are no dings visible on the exterior of this vehicle. This vehicle is in good running condition. The condition of exterior is extra clean. The inside of this vehicle is smoke-free. The interior is extra clean; it was very well kept. The mileage represented on this vehicle is the actual current mileage. There is no trouble shifting this transmission. NO CREDIT BAD CREDIT WE CAN HELP!!!!!! Start or rebuild you credit here Pay down quickly. GIVE US A CALL TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS AND FOR BETTER CASH PRICE (413) 246 81 48 (413) 313 97 55 Dimitry
4 Door, Automatic w/overdrive Transmission, Alloy Wheels, Fog lamps, Air Conditioning, Center Console, Cruise Control, Leather Seats, Power Door Locks, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rear Defrost, Alarm, AM/FM Radio, CD Player, Keyless Entry, Power Liftgate, Antilock Brakes, Driver Air Bag, Passenger Air Bag, Traction Control