lincoln towncar
$12995 * Price negotiable
Model, Body type:
towncar , Limousine
Fabrication / Mileage
Used, 2003 / 165000 Miles
Transmision / Doors
auto / 0
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Vehicle information
There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. This vehicle has no known defects. There is not a door ding present on this vehicle. There is a properly functioning engine in this vehicle. The exterior finish on this automobile is in excellent condition. The exterior condition of this vehicle shows that it was garaged. This vehicle was owned by a non-smoker. The interior has been meticulously kept. The miles you see are the actual miles for this vehicle. Great, smooth shifting transmission. This vehicle has no prior collision damage. Become only the second owner of this vehicle. This vehicles tires are only slightly worn with 75% of tread life left.
AM/FM Radio, Anti-theft, CD Changer, CD Player, DVD Player, Keyless Entry, Parking Assist Rear, Steering Wheel Controls, Stereo/Tape, TV