Vehicle information
There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. There are no known defects in this vehicle. There are some minor dings and scratches on this vehicle. The vehicle engine runs very, very smooth. The exterior has been well maintained and is in good condition. The previous owner did not keep this vehicle garaged. A non-smoker owned vehicle. The interior of this automobile is clean. We have been unable to determine if the odometer reflects the actual mileage of this vehicle. The transmission in this vehicle still shifts smoothly. No damage on this vehicle. Purchase this vehicle at a great deal as a subsequent owner. Tire wear at 50%. Great second car, work car or starter car.
4 Door, 2 Wheel Drive, Automatic w/overdrive Transmission, Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Power Door Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rear Defrost, Tilt Steering, AM/FM Radio, Stereo/Tape