Chevrolet Corvette
$15995 * Price negotiable
Model, Body type:
Corvette , Coupe
Fabrication / Mileage
Used, 2001 / 72623 Miles
Transmision / Doors
AUTO / 0
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2001 CORVETTE *-*LOW MILES!!!**** NEED FINANCING? CREDIT PROBLEMS? IF YOU HAVE A JOB AND MONEY DOWN, YOU CAN DRIVE TODAY!!!! GET THE LOWEST RATES AVAILABLE THAT YOU DESERVE WITH YOUR GOOD CREDIT!!!!..Call us Today for all the details at714531-4800, 714531-4802 and ask Jose Maria or Ricardo about our specials and financing options!! Visit us at WWW.VALLEYVIEWUSEDCARS.COM to see all our inventory. All prices are cash only, they don''t include taxes, doc, DMV, and other charges. Financing Charges and price are determined by customer''s credit profile. Sale prices are subject to change without notice