Vehicle information
There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. This vehicle has no known defects. There are no dings on this vehicle. This vehicles engine is in perfect working condition. The condition of exterior is extra clean. Extra clean interior. Absolutely no rips, odors or abuse. The miles you see are the actual miles for this vehicle. Great, smooth shifting transmission. This vehicles tires have over 50% tread left.
(816)822-2228, (816)305-5222, (913)859-9222
4 Door, Automatic Transmission, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Rear Wiper, Air Conditioning, Center Console, Cruise Control, Power Door Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rear Defrost, Tilt Steering, Tinted Windows, Alarm, AM/FM Radio, CD Player, IPod/MP3 Port, Keyless Entry, Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Trip/Mileage Computer, Antilock Brakes, Driver Air Bag, Passenger Air Bag