Vehicle information
The exterior of this vehicle is about average for its age and mileage. Vehicle has minor collision damage. There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. Nothing about this vehicle is defective. We have found no door dings on this vehicle. This vehicle is in good running condition. This vehicles exterior is clean. The previous owner did not keep this vehicle garaged. A non-smoker owned vehicle. Interior in average condition. The odometer reflects accurate mileage. This vehicle has a smooth shifting transmission. There does not seem to be any signs of prior damage to this vehicle. This previously owned vehicle would make you feel like you are the original owner. This vehicles tires have 25% tread left.
2 Door, Long Box, Short Box, Automatic w/overdrive Transmission, Rear Wheel Drive, Air Conditioning, Center Console, Power Steering, Rear Sliding Window, AM/FM Radio, CD Player