Vehicle information
There are no electrical problems with this vehicle. This vehicle has no defects. There are no dings visible on the exterior of this vehicle. The vehicle engine runs very, very smooth. The condition of exterior is extra clean. The previous owner did not keep this vehicle garaged. The inside of this vehicle is smoke-free. The condition of the interior is clean. The odometer reflects accurate mileage. The transmission shifts smoothly. This vehicle has no prior collision damage. You will enjoy this vehicle like the owners before you. There is 50% of tire life left on this auto.
2 Door, 2 Wheel Drive, Rear Wheel Drive, Bedliner, Splash guards, Air Conditioning, Bucket Seats, Center Console, Cruise Control, Power Steering, Tilt Steering, AM/FM Radio, Anti-theft, CD Player, Antilock Brakes, Driver Air Bag, Passenger Air Bag