Chevrolet Impala
$14995 * Price negotiable
Model, Body type:
Impala , Sedan
Fabrication / Mileage
Used, 2008 / 61266 Miles
8-Cylinder, 5.3 Liter
Transmision / Doors
4 Speed Automatic / 0
BLack, Interior : Ebony
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Vehicle information
An impala is a bounding, medium-sized antelope that grazes in large herds throughout Africa's savannas. They are prey to almost every predator. The Chevrolet Impala has been grazing American highways and byways for nearly 50 years now, providing spacious transportation for families and lowrider-lovers alike. The only thing these two impalas share beyond a common moniker is that neither is an endangered species. This Impala's interior is functional and straightforward, with its leather interior and sun roof your sure to have a very comfortable ride. Stop by Dirk Waltz Buick to take this one for a ride, or call (989) 835-6711 for more information.