Ford Mustang
$12995 * Price negotiable
Model, Body type:
Mustang , Coupe
Fabrication / Mileage
Used, 2005 / 33105 Miles
6-Cylinder, 4.0 litre v-6
Transmision / Doors
auto / 0
black, Interior : black
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Vehicle information
EXTRA LOW MILES, local tradeThere are no electrical problems with this vehicle. This vehicle has no known defects. There is a properly functioning engine in this vehicle. Extra clean exterior. The previous owner was a non-smoker. The interior is extra clean; it was very well kept. The mileage represented on this vehicle is accurate. The transmission shifts like it was new. There are no signs of prior damage on this vehicle. 75% of the tread life remains on the tires.
2 Door, 2 Wheel Drive, Automatic Transmission, Automatic w/overdrive Transmission