Vehicle information
This little camper trailer is like new. If you are in the markewt for a cozy little getaway it will be tough to find a nicer one for the money. Blinds,Booth Dinette,Curtains,LP/120V Refrig/ Freezer,Shower with Seat,Smoke Detector,Toilet w/Holding Tank,AM/FM Radio,Microwave - Convection Oven,Oven , Lengthfeet 21.00 , Wheelbaseinches 0.00 , Fuelcapacitygallons 0.00 , Numslides 0 , Numawnings 0 , Acgensizekwatts 0 , Sleeps 3 , Refrigsizecuft 0.00 , Numaircond 1 , Aircondsizebtu 0 , Numfurnaces 1 , Furnacesizebtu 0 , Tv1Sizeinches 0 , Tv2Sizeinches 0 , Tv3Sizeinches 0 , Tv4Sizeinches 0 , Propanecapacitygallons 0.00 , Hotwatercapacitygallons 0.00 , Freshwatercapacitygallons 0.00 , Graywatercapacitygallons 0.00 , Blackwatercapacitygallons 0.00